SciVal es una solución modular. Actualmente hay 6 módulos disponibles, además de Informes y Mi SciVal, que se pueden encontrar en su pantalla de inicio, o acceder a través de la navegación de nivel superior.
Sólo podrá ver los módulos a los que esté suscrita su institución.
Desarrolle, avance y supervise sus programas y estrategias de investigación
Comprender y visualizar el rendimiento de la investigación
El módulo general proporciona una visión general de alto nivel del rendimiento de la investigación para usted y sus compañeros a nivel mundial.
Vista general del módulo
Resúmenes del rendimiento de la investigación de cualquier entidad de investigación deseada, como instituciones, países, grupos de investigación y temas.
1. El panel de selección de entidades le permite seleccionar cualquier entidad de interés desde: Añada una entidad como una Institución o País escribiendo el nombre en el cuadro de búsqueda. SciVal le proporcionará una lista de entidades predefinidas que coinciden con su búsqueda para que elija.
2. Seleccione el intervalo de años que desee entre:* + año en curso y posteriores
3. Filtre la clasificación temática elegida por área temática, siendo la predeterminada la clasificación Scopus All Subject Journal Classification (ASJC). También puede elegir entre las clasificaciones Fields of Research (FoR), Fields of Research and Development (FORD), Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, QS, THE o KAKEN.
4. Filtre por "Institución de origen" para incluir sólo las publicaciones afiliadas a su institución.
5. Haga clic en el icono de información para obtener más información sobre una métrica, incluidos sus puntos fuertes y débiles.
La importancia de los temas en la ciencia
Un tema es una colección de documentos con un interés intelectual común y puede ser grande o pequeño, nuevo o antiguo, con un impulso creciente o decreciente. Con el tiempo aparecerán nuevos temas y, como éstos son dinámicos, evolucionarán. Como ocurre con la naturaleza del panorama actual de la investigación, muchos Temas son multidisciplinares y los Temas antiguos pueden estar inactivos, pero siguen existiendo. Además, los propios investigadores son móviles y trabajan en diversas áreas de investigación, por lo que contribuyen a múltiples temas.
El cálculo de la prominencia de un tema combina tres métricas que indican el impulso del tema.
Los temas se clasifican en función de la prominencia de estos patrones de citas, lo que indica el impulso de un tema en un campo de estudio.
Las vistas Rueda de temas y Tabla ofrecen una visión general de los temas a los que contribuye una entidad de interés y permiten analizar los temas con más detalle en otros módulos.
Advance your research programs with insights into global expertise across sectors and fields
Enhance team building and build strong collaborations
The Collaboration module helps you evaluate your existing research collaborations and identify potential new partners.
Explore interactive maps and tables to evaluate existing partnerships
Filter by subjects, Research Areas defined by you, sectors or authors
Identify new opportunities for collaboration partnerships globally
Enhance team-building efforts by uncovering research expertise on and beyond campus
Collaboration module walk-through
Access a list of Institutions that you collaborate with or have the potential to collaborate with. Start with a worldwide view of your institution's collaboration landscape, and then zoom in to individual collaborating Institutions and Researchers globally. You can also use the subject area filters, including self-defined Research Areas to focus on current and potential collaborators aligned with key areas of focus.
Current collaboration tab helps you explore existing collaborative links, based on co-authorship, allowing you to rank institutions based on co-authored publications and impact-related metrics
Potential collaboration tab identifies institutions that you haven’t yet co-authored any publications with
Select the Map to explore and visualize an institution's existing collaboration landscape
Click on regions and zoom in to investigate and visualize collaboration profiles at the country and state level, and see the collaborative links at each institution
Select year range
Filter by subject using any of the 7 subject classifications available or by self-defined Research Areas to identify current and potential collaborators aligned with key areas of focus
Funding landscape intelligence to support strategic planning and advance funding strategies
Advance funding strategies
The Grants module provides quantitative funding landscape insights to help advance funding strategies.
Discover funding trends in priority areas and identify funding bodies active in these areas
Identify the leading researchers and funding recipients
Profile and understand peer strategies
Explore adjacent fields attracting funding as potential areas for growth
Create tailored reports to update stakeholders, track progress and inform management decisions
The comprehensive reporting functionality in SciVal allows you to produce and share reports tailored to your organization’s needs.
Create analyses across all six of the SciVal modules
Combine and edit your analyses
Select and adapt a variety of predefined reporting templates from SciVal and customers
Save your most used reports as templates
Share reports with other SciVal users in your Institution
The reporting functionality ensures you can analyze and construct and model scenarios for entities such as researchers, research groups or Research Areas of interest
Evaluate, benchmark, and monitor progress
The Benchmarking module enables you to evaluate your research performance in comparison to others in your region, country, and the world.
Compare your research performance to peer groups and institutions over time
Analyze and benchmark collaboration partners
Profile developments in fields over time
Choose from an array of research metrics, zoom in on a year range or subject area, and build insightful reports.
Benchmarking Module walk-through
Assess your strengths and areas for improvement by analyzing custom selections of entities, metrics and subject areas enabling confident comparison and benchmarking.
Benchmarking module provides advanced capabilities to perform flexible and in-depth analyses across a diverse set of entities, metrics and subject areas
Using the entity selection panel, select any desired combination of entities you wish to analyze and benchmark
Add Institutions or Countries by clicking the 'Add' link to search and SciVal will provide you with a list of pre-defined institutions and countries to select from
Add Researchers, Publication Sets, Research Areas and Groups by creating your own
Select year range from 1996 to the current year and beyond
Show entity names on the Chart by clicking the pin icon which appears after hovering on the entity name
See progress over time through the timeline motion chart
Gain a deep understanding of research fields and leading experts globally
Monitor trends in research
Evaluate Topics, Research Areas and Publication Sets in detail
The Trends module enables you to gain a deep understanding of Research fields and leading experts globally.
Analyze the developments in fields of interest through graphs, tables, charts, and keyphrase analyses.
Define your own topic/field of interest or use a pre-defined one from SciVal
Identify the key institutions and researchers contributing to a research field globally
Investigate individual's or groups contributions to fields through an array of metrics and analyses.
Trends Module walk-through
Analyze the research trends of any self or pre-defined Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster with citation, publications and usage data, to discover key researchers, rising stars and current developments in fields of interest.
Trends module provides the ability to perform advanced Topic centric analysis of any Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster
Using the entity selection panel, select the self- or pre-defined Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster you wish to analyze
Select your desired year range
Summary tab provides an overview of your Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster of interest. Several key metrics are displayed at the top of the tab followed by a word cloud which provides a visual representation of the top 50 keyphrases within the area of interest
Remaining tabs provide insights into the selected Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster across various entities:
Scroll down the page to see the most active Institutions, Authors, Countries and Scopus Sources related to the Research Area, Publication Set, Topic or Topic Cluster
Institutions tab details the Top 100 institutions as a table or allows you to view the geographical distribution of the Top 100 institutions via the map view
Keyphrases tab allows you to analyze the Top 50 keyphrases relating to the area of interest. How are keyphrases calculated?
Representative publications when analyzing a Topic, allow you to focus on the 10 publications most strongly linked to the Topic of interest
The impact module provides data, metrics and insights to enrich local knowledge and build clear and effective narratives around the broader impact of your research activities.
Demonstrate your broader research impact
The Impact module enables you to:
Evaluate and understand your innovation pathways and potential technological and economic outcomes and impact through patent analyses
Evaluate and understand your societal and political impact through the influencing of policy-making
Understand and showcase your contribution towards the UN SDGs
Identify individuals or outputs influencing policy-making or driving innovation to support development of clear impact narratives for funding bids and case studies.
Strenghthen promotion and tenure applications and enhance collaboration and partnership decisions with evidence of research impact beyond citations.
Showcase your broader impact to the public, potential donors, governments, and funding bodies
Update stakeholders, track progress and create, manage and organize your information
Use My SciVal to create, manage and organize your information.
• Create, manage and organize your entities to make finding, sharing and analyzing them in SciVal straightforward.
• Build a group of researchers you want to evaluate and monitor
• Edit Research Areas by adding search terms of applying filters
• Add and modify tags such as department or project names to manage entities with ease
• Share entities with other SciVal users
• Download information about all Topics & Topic Clusters in a single spreadsheet